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BTU Calculator
Use our BTU calculator to easily work out what size radiator you will need, by entering information about your room in our calculator.
Use our BTU calculator to easily work out what level of BTU and Watt output will sufficiently heat your room, in turn allowing you to decide what size radiator you will need:
Before deciding on size and style, it’s important that you use our radiator calculator to work out what size radiator you will need to heat your chosen room. If you don’t do this, you may find your radiator is too weak or too powerful for your requirements.
In order to work this out, you need to calculate the BTU as well as the Watts required to heat it effectively.
In order to calculate the BTU output that is required, you will need to measure the length, width, and height of your room. You can then use this information in conjunction with our radiator BTU calculator linked above, along with room type, type of window glazing, and how sheltered or exposed it is.
Give your room a name, so you can save it to your Wishlist for easy reference.
BTU stands for British Thermal Unit.
A BTU or British Thermal Unit - is the amount of heat needed to increase the temperature of 1lb (one pound) of water by one degree Fahrenheit. This is the imperial measurement, your Installer may work using metric values for this calculation; Watts. Either can be used to select your radiator.
With radiators, the BTU measurement refers to how much energy is required to heat a particular room. The higher the BTU number is, the greater the radiator’s heat output will be. How effective the radiator will be though depends on factors such as the size of the room and how well insulated it is. A radiator’s ability to transfer heat will depend on its material, size and surface area as well as the water temperature within the system.
Use our BTU calculator to easily work out what size radiator you will need, by entering information about your room in our calculator.
Before making a purchase, it’s important that you use a radiator calculator to work out what size radiator you will need to heat your chosen room. If you don’t do this, you may find your radiator is too weak or too powerful for your requirements.
In order to work this out, you need to calculate the BTU as well as the watts required to heat it effectively.
In order to calculate the BTU output that is required, you will need to measure the length, width, and height of your room. You can use our radiator BTU calculator below to enter this information, as well as the type of room, type of window glazing, and how sheltered or exposed it is.
Give your room a name, so you can save it to your Wishlist for easy reference.
BTU stands for British Thermal Unit.
The British Thermal Unit is the amount of heat needed to increase the temperature of one pound of water by one degree Fahrenheit.
With radiators, the BTU measurement refers to how much energy is required to heat a particular room. The higher the BTU number is, the greater the radiator’s heat output will be. How effective the radiator will be though depends on factors such as the size of the room and how insulated it is.