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BTU Calculator
Use our BTU calculator to easily work out what size radiator you will need, by entering information about your room in our calculator.
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1. How did you come to choose The Radiator Company for your radiators?
2. Why did you decide to purchase new radiators? Was this a mini update, or a full renovation?
The radiators in our new house were very old and not very efficient
3. Were there any issues you had to consider before deciding upon your radiator? How did The Radiator Company help you to combat these? Did you learn anything new?
Yes, I had never heard of a BTU so being able to find this out through your calculator helped greatly
4. Did you use the website radiator builder to help with your decision making process?
5. Do you follow The Radiator Company on social media?
6. How was the decision making process? Did you liaise directly with The Radiator Company or via a third party?
Direct. It was difficult as I had never bought radiators before so I didn’t realise the considerations that went into it. The Radiator C ompany were very helpful
7. How was the delivery process?
Fab, very quick and easy
7. Why did you choose the range, colour and Valves?
I love the combination of colours and style. The style suited my period home